Is your garage door balanced?
Do you know?
Spend a little time on maintenance, save a lot on the repairs.
Adjusting the balance of your garage door is critical if you want your valuable garage door and newly installed garage door opener last longer. Regular checking and maintaining the balance of your garage door can reduce your repair bill a lot.
Let me share some tips on how to check the balance of garage door.
Garage door is designed to move flawlessly when they are balanced. To check the balance, you need to first disengage your door from the garage door opener. Then, manually open the garage door. The door should be easily lifted with hand. If it is stuck somewhere, remove the obstruction and lubricate the door rollers and tracks. Check again if the door can be easily pushed or pulled along its track.
Lift the door and let the door stop at 3-4 feet above the ground. Release your hands to see if the door can stay in place. It is acceptable if the door slowly rises upwards or falls to the ground gently. However, if the door drops down quickly or shoots upwards with a strong force, the door is out of balance, and needs adjustment. In some situation, the spring of your garage door should be replaced to solve the issue.
You could slightly add or decrease the torque force to adjust a minor unbalanced situation. However, if the door opens too fast or drops down heavily, then it is likely that you need to have your garage door spring changed.
Please feel free to contact us if you need any help!